J. VALET A LIEGE MODEL 1728 MUSKET ANDBAYONET Present day Belgium,C. 1744-47.76 bore, NSN, walnut stock, steel fittings, lock marked "JACQUES VALET/A LIEGE", the hammer was refaced during the period, the left...
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WINCHESTER TEXAS 1836/1986 RIFLE & CARBINE,SN 005Scarce Winchester Texas1986 Sesquicentennial commemorative rifle and carbine set #5, made in Hartford, Ct., consisting of: (1) Model 94 Saddle Ring Carbine, 38.55 caliber,...
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"WINCHESTER SHOTGUNS" BY DENNIS ADLERR.L. WILSONFor your consideration is the Classic, "Winchester Shotguns" by Dennis Adler, Foreword by R. L. Wilson, publisher Chartwell Books. Author and historian took over...
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AMERICAN WEST FIREARMS BOOKS (3)Offeredin this lot are Three (3) Outstanding books on American West Firearms including: "Sharps Rifle The Gun That Shaped American Destiny", by Martin Rywell, Pioneer Press; "For...
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1ST ED. "WINCHESTER, AN AMERICAN LEGEND",WILSONFor your consideration is this First Edition of "Winchester, An American Legend" by R. L. Wilson. Photography by G. Allan Brown (illustrator). Profusely illustrated...
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LT. COL. GEORGE A. CUSTER GUN COLLECTIONBOOKThe lot features a custom made book representing the current known Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer documented firearms. The binder shows such guns as the J.A....
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CUSTOM COLT NEW SERVICE .45 LONG COLTREVOLVERCustom Colt New Service .45 Long Colt caliber revolver. This interesting revolver with serial number 100949 was manufactured by Colt in the middle of World War I and...
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BOSTON CUSTER'S COLT CARRIED AT LITTLEBIGHORNThis is quite possibly one of the most important Battle of the Little Bighorn firearms ever offered for public sale, a Colt U.S. Cavalry issue Single Action Army revolver...
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PLAINS INDIAN .72 CAL PERCUSSION BLANKETMUSKETSuperb example of a Plains Indian “Blanket Gun” or “Buffalo Runner’s” cut-down percussion musket. Originally, these shortened, large caliber lightly rifled...
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RARE SAMUEL COLT BIOGRAPHY, SIGNED BYMRS. COLTFirst edition of extremely rare, privately printed Colt memorial volume, Armsmear, The Home, The Arm & The Armory of Samuel Colt, 1866. SIGNED and inscribed by Elizabeth...
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(2) BOOKS: FIREARMS REFERENCE, WINCHESTER& COLT(lot of 2) Books: firearms reference and history, including: (1) "Winchester: An American Legend," R.L. Wilson, Random House, New York, 1991, 404 pages; (1) "The Book...
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(13) BOOKS: FIREARMS REFERENCE & HISTORY(lotof 13) Books: firearms reference and history, including: "Artistry in Arms: The Guns of Smith and Wesson," "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of 19th Century Firearms," "Marlin...
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(14) BOOKS: FIREARMS & HUNTING REFERENCE& HISTORY(lot of 14) Books: firearms and hunting reference and history books, including: "America's Premier Gun Makers," "The Treasury of the Gun," "Packing Iron: Gun Leather...
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SEVEN REFERENCE BOOKS ON COLLECTIBLEKNIVES To include: Harold L. Peterson, American Knives:The First History and Collectors' Guide (1958); George Cameron Stone, A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and...
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SIX HARDBOUND SPECIALIZED REFERENCEBOOKS ON ANTIQUE AMERICAN WEAPONS All small 4to (9-1/2 in.), to include: Fuller, Claud E. and Steuart, Richard D. Firearms of the Confederacy (hardbound facsimile reprint...
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(24) BOOKS: FIREARMS HISTORY & CARE,MAUSER(lot of 24) Books, including: (2) "The Modern Shotgun," Major Sir Gerald Burrard, volumes I and II, 1961, (1) "Death in the Long Grass: A Big Game Hunter's Adventures...
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1858 FIREARM DRAWINGS, CAPT. J. SCHOEN,SAXONY"The History of Handguns", ("Taflen zur Geschichte der Handfeuerwaffen") illustrated volume, Captain Julius Schoen (Royal Saxon Infantry, b. 1816), published by Rudolf...
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TWELVE COLLECTIBLE HUNTING AND NORTHAMERICAN RELATED BOOKS: ''American Hunting Rifles'' signed by the author Craig Boddington first edition no. 265 Safari Press; ''The Rifle Omnibus'' including ''The Hunting...
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Colt firearms related books: three copiesJohn Parsons, The Peacemaker ; two copies Ted Tivey, The Colt Rifle ; R. L. Wilson, Colt An American Legend ; A Century of Achievement: Colt 100th Anniversary Firearms Manual...
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Books on antique firearms: Blanch andRywell, English Guns and Gun Makers ; Gerald Kelver, The Schuetzen Rifles History & Loading ; Gerald Kelver, Major Ned H. Roberts and the Schuetzen Rifle ; McDonald Hastings,...
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Pair of Nimschke-Style Engraved Smith& Wesson Model No.2 Revolvers Inscribed to D.B. Dyer .32 caliber RF 6'' octagonal barrels S/N 19189 S/N 17780. Nimschke-style engraving with nickel finish and pearl grips;...
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Five Richard Kidder Meade, Jr. ConfederateCivil War Letters, Civil War Era Photographs, Paintings, Meade Family Archive Virginia, 1861-1862: letter from Fort Sumter, March 21, 1861, to sister Julia Meade (1830-1906),...
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Cogswell & Harrison 12-bore boxlockejector SxS sporting gun circa 1912 SN 45650; blacked action and furniture checkered 14 1/4'' straight-hand stock with checkered buttplate and matching snap-on splinter forend...
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Eleven Reference Books on Guns Lot includes;Guns of the American West Sharps The Winchester Model 94 The Parker Gun The Deringer in America Vol.I The Collecting of Guns Early Firearms of the Great Britain and Ireland...
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Llama engraved Model XV semi-automatic.22 caliber pistol circa 1960 SN 205192. Profuse scroll-engraved frame with gold inlay believed to be by Ogawa right slide marked: LLAMA ''ESPECIAL'' left slide GABILENDO...
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TEN COLLECTIBLE BOOKS in slip casesabout hunting Alaska & Africa: ''Big Woods'' by Wm. Faulkner with etchings by Brett Smith 1996 1st trade edition; ''American Hunting Rifles'' by Craig Boddington signed by...
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Seven books on Colt firearms; Colt CartridgePistols, James Serven, 1952, paperback, stains, tears, loose at staples; Colt: An American Legend, R.L. Wilson, Abbeville, excellent condition, with dust jacket; Samuel Colt...
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COLLECTION TWENTY-FIVE THE FIREARMSCLASSICS LIBRARY BOOKS: Palladum Press hard bound and gilt edge: ''Firearms In American History '' Volume III by Charles Winthrop Sawyer (c) 2000; ''Triggernometry '' by Eugene...
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GOOD ARCHIVE OF FIREARMS PAMPHLETS ANDEPHEMERA. Includes many pieces of Winchester ephemera such as catalogs from 1901 1926 and 1930 as well as a Remington company history Colt catalogs and brochures and...
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Books on handguns: Martin Ryewell, Smith& Wesson ; Louis Winant, Pepperbox Firearms ; John Parsons, signed by author, Henry Derringer's Pocket Pistol ; Carr and Carr, Remington Handguns ; Duncan McConnell,...
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GROUP OF BOOKS ON FIREARMS AND MILITARYHISTORY. Report on the Organization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac (1864); Guthrie Camp-Fires of the Afro-Americans (1899); Coffin The Boys of '61 (1885); Abbot...
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Winchester firearms books, pamphlets:George R. Watrous, third edition, The History of Winchester Firearms , with case; R. L. Wilson, dust jacket, Winchester and American Legend ; Bruce McDowell, dust jacket,...
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Group of thirteen books and pamphletson firearms armor etc. incl. A History of the Colt Revolver....
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SHELF OF TWENTY COLLECTIBLE BOOKS somegilt stamped leather covers others specially bound: seven from the Firearms Classic Library by Paladium Press such as ''The Book of the Garand'' ''Modern Gunsmithing'' etc.;...
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Double-Barrel Percussion Shotgun byWhitney Arms Presented to Frank Tiesing .12 gauge 32'' barrels S/N 1007. Engraved on the top of barrel Presented To Frank Tiesing By Whitney Arms Company. Engraved metal frame....
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Books related to Revolutionary War:George Newmann, dust jacket, History of the Weapons of the American Revolution ; Debra Sprouse, A Guide to Excavated Colonial and Revolutionary War Artifacts ; Jack Coggins,...
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