A CONTINENTAL MOTHER OF PEARL FLINTLOCKPISTOLA Continental mother of pearl and mixed metal inlaid flintlock pistol19th centuryoverall length 15in (38cm) Provenance:The Collection of Fritz & Lucy Jewett, San Francisco,...
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A CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK CARBINE withfull walnut stock, brass trigger guard and brass butt plate, with steel ramrod and fixed back sight, 152cm long...
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A CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK SERVICE PISTOLwith steel barrel, walnut grip, brass butt and trigger guard, the steel ramrod stamped to the side of the lock, the barrel stamped with date 1813, 34cm long....
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Continental Flintlock Pistol, early19th century the 7.5 inch signed barrel on a carved and silver wire inlaid walnut stock height 12.75 in — 32.4 cm...
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2 FLINTLOCK PISTOLS, ONE GEROMINO FERNANDEZTwo18th century Continental flintlocks including one by Geromino Fernandez. 1st item - Spanish Flintlock Pistol, gold inlay marks on the barrel breech for Geromino Fernandez...
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FLINTLOCK PISTOL TINDER LIGHTER ANDCANNON FLINTLOCK IG...Flintlock pistol tinder lighter and cannon flintlock mechanism (2 items). Flintlock tinder pistol lighter, engraved brass body and stand, brass receptacle...
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2 CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOLS, POWDERHORNGrouping of two (2) Continental flintlock pistols and a small powder horn with silver inlay cap/plug. 1st item - Continental flintlock pistol with foliate carved forearm...
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TWO CONTINENTAL SADDLE FLINTLOCK PISTOLSDutchbrass flintlock marked "Gotfroid Rouma", 12 in. round to octagonal barrel with brass blade front sight, banding and barrel tang, decorative brass furniture including urn finial...
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FOUR CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOLSunmarkedflintlock, 5 in. tapered smoothbore barrel, iron furniture, and ramrod, 9-3/4 in. overall; unmarked flintlock, 5 in. tapered smoothbore barrel, brass furniture, wooden ramrod,...
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TWO CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOLSsmallerItalian Flintlock pistol, Brescia Italy, 1700s, marked "G.M. LOGIA" on lock plate, 8-1/4 in. smooth bore flat top barrel with gilt or brass hallmark surrounded by lilies,...
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CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOL LATE 18THCENTURY LENGTH OF BARREL 3”. TOTAL LENGTH 7”.CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOL, Late 18th Century, Approx. .41 cal. Carved rose decoration. Dimensions: Length of barrel 3"....
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CONTINENTAL OVER-UNDER DOUBLE BARRELFLINTLOCK DERRINGER POCKET PISTOLContinental Over-Under Double Barrel Flintlock Derringer Pocket Pistol,...
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CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK TINDER LIGHTER,LATE 18TH C.Continental flintlock tinder lighter, late 18th c. with walnut pistol grip, 8 1/4" l.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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CONTINENTAL IRON FLINTLOCK TINDER LIGHTER,18TH C.Continental iron flintlock tinder lighter, 18th c., 6 1/2" l.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Lacking one foot....
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EUROPEAN FLINTLOCK BRASS BARREL BLUNDERBUSSEuropeanflintlock brass barrel blunderbuss , 1 1/8" dia. bore, cut down and converted from a rifle, with walnut stock, 7 1/2" barrel.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for...
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PAIR OF EUROPEAN FLINTLOCK HORSE PISTOLSPairof European flintlock horse pistols , approximately .75 caliber, with iron mounted relief carved walnut stocks, 11" octagonal to round barrels.
Competitive in-house shipping...
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EUROPEAN FLINTLOCK NAVAL PISTOLEuropeanflintlock military pistol, approximately .69 caliber, with walnut stock, brass furniture, lanyard ring, and articulated ramrod, the lock and barrel with farsi proof mark,...
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EUROPEAN FLINTLOCK PISTOLEuropean flintlockpistol , approximately .40 caliber, with engraved iron frame, 2 1/2" octagonal to round barrel.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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EUROPEAN FLINTLOCK NAVAL PISTOLEuropeanflintlock Naval pistol, approximately 70 caliber, with walnut stock, brass hardware, including lanyard ring, lock stamped with a crown over DN, 9" barrel.
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PAIR OF CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOLS,EARLY 19TH CENTURY Each with a .68 caliber smoothbore 10 in. barrel on a carved walnut stock; brass elements to include the trigger guard, butt cap, shoulder inlay and left...
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Pair of continental flintlock duelingpistols with engraved barrel, 18/19th c.
Condition: Cracks, restorations, wear consistent with age....
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Continental engraved brass-mounted flintlockblunderbuss 18th century possibly German walnut stock with steel barrel steel ramrod lock marked with crown over S.E. and illegible name buttplate with illegible stamp. L30...
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Pair of Continental flintlock pistols19th century; part-octagon barrel with flared muzzle inlaid with pewter 8 in. L.; walnut full stock with pewter-inlaid iron mounts and wire inlays; 13 in. L. overall...
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Continental flintlock pistol probablyBelgium with an engraved metal frame and grips 2 1/2" octagonal to round barrel. ?...
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Continental Flintlock Musket Smoothbore. Overall L 46 1/2''E...
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An 18th Century Continental flintlockpistol the 8ins steel barrel overlaid in silvery metal with scroll work design and walnut stock carved with scroll work and leafage with steel lockplate trigger guard and...
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European Flintlock Musket .70 cal. 39.5"round flared barrel. Brass furniture with walnut stock and wood sliding patchbox cover.?Brass triggerguard with finger grooves.?Ca 18th century either Austrian or Dutch. Condition:...
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An 18th Century Continental flintlockpistol with 9.25ins barrel and brass mounted walnut stock 15.5ins overall (rusted and slightly damaged - with later ramrod for same) a 19th Century embossed copper and brass...
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Nineteenth Century European FlintlockMilitary Cadet Training Musket .54 cal. 31.625'' barrel. Walnut stock marked Ecole Militaire. Condition: Very good condition....
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European Flintlock Pistol .70 caliber4.87" round barrel. Flat-style lockplate and hammer brass furniture and walnut stock. Condition: Barrel and lock are a nice grey with some light pitting. Stock with some nicks...
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An Antique European Flintlock HorsePistol c. 1800 possibly Belgian walnut stock engraved hammer brass furniture butt with lanyard ring barrel length 9 in....
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Two Continental flintlock brass steeland walnut blunderbusses 18th / 19th Century one with lock marked ''Tower'' and ''GR'' and engraved belled muzzle (7'' x 36.5'' x 2.75'') and another with faceted steel barrel...
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Early European Flintlock Pistol .70cal. smoothbore 13.5'' tapered round barrel chased steel furniture triggerguard with finial pierced iron side plate. Early beveled-style lock with rounded hammer frizzen spring...
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Continental flintlock pistol, muzzleloading, 7-1/2 in. barrel, engraved brass mounts, old mellow patina, possibly French; no permit required. 30 percent original color, 2 in. splinter chips on stock at lock,...
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Five European and British pistols: onebrass double barrel percussion; one brass octagonal barrel percussion; one percussion octagonal steel barrel; one flintlock; in wooden frame 20 x 18-1/2 in.; with British...
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