PREHISTORIC ORTHOCERAS FOSSIL STONESLAB W STANDPrehistoric orthoceras fossils in sea floor stone slab. Includes metal display stand. Mid-Ordovician Period, 470 - 458 million years ago, Anti-Atlas Mountains....
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PREHISTORIC ART BY THOMAS WILSON 1STED., 1896Presented in this lot is the First Edition of "Prehistoric Art" By Thomas Wilson, 1896, published U. S. National Museum. The U. S. National Museum is the original...
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3 LA BREA TAR FOSSILS: INSECTS, BONE,& MAMMOTH FURNorth America, West Coast United States, California, likely the Rancho La Brea / McKittrick tar pits, Late Pleistocene (Ice Age), ca. 40,000 to 10,000 years ago;...
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RARE FOSSILIZED SIBERIAN BERINGIAN CAVELION JAWEastern Europe, Russia, Southwestern Siberia, Pleistocene Epoch (Ice Age), ca. 370,000 to 10,000 years ago. A fossilized jawbone from a carnivore of the Ice Age, the...
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FOSSILIZED ALASKAN EQUUS HORSE FORELEGNorth America, Northwestern United States, Alaska, Pleistocene (Ice Age), ca. 200,000 to 10,000 years ago. A wonderful, fossilized leg from a prehistoric species, likely...
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FOUR-MILE PREHISTORIC, POLYCHROME BIRDEFFIGY, CA. 1350Four-Mile, Prehistoric Polychrome Bird Effigy, ca. 1350, fired clay, pigments Dimensions: 4 1/8 x 8 3/4 in. (10.48 x 22.23 cm.) Provenance: ex Stanley Marcus...
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P.K. WILLIAMS, (20TH/21ST CENTURY, DINé),NAVAJO MAN WITH EAGLE AND PREHISTORIC POTTERY, ACRYLIC ON CANVAS, 36" H X 24" WP.K. Williams, (20th/21st Century, Diné) Navajo man with eagle and prehistoric pottery Acrylic...
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PERIGORD, FRANCE, PREHISTORIC CAVE PAINTINGSREPRODUCTION PRINT FRAME: 37 3/4 X 30 3/4 IN. (95.89 X 78.11 CM.)Perigord, France, Prehistoric Cave Paintings Reproduction Print, Dimensions: Frame: 37 3/4 x 30 3/4 in. (95.89...
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FIVE PREHISTORIC STONE PESTLESFive prehistoricstone pestles, largest - 3 3/4" w., 12" l.
As found, unrestored. Provenance: very large private Virginia collection....
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SEVEN PREHISTORIC STONE ARTIFACTSSevenprehistoric stone artifacts, to include pestles, grooved axe heads, hammer, etc., largest - 14 1/2" l.
As found, unrestored. Provenance: very large private Virginia...
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TWELVE PREHISTORIC STONE AXE HEADSTwelveprehistoric stone axe heads, to include rough hewn quartzite specimens and full grooved types, largest - 4" w., 6" l.
As found, unrestored. Provenance: very...
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FIFTEEN PREHISTORIC TOOLS, TO INCLUDEAXE HEADSFifteen prehistoric tools, to include axe heads, hammer stones, etc., largest - 3 1/4" w., 5 1/4" l.
As found, unrestored. Provenance: very large private...
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FIVE PREHISTORIC CELTS OF MESO-AMERICANTYPESFive prehistoric celts of Meso-American types, largest - 3" l.
As found, unrestored. Provenance: very large private Virginia collection....
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TWELVE PREHISTORIC STONE ARTIFACTSTwelveprehistoric stone artifacts, to include celts and adze blade, etc., largest - 6 1/2" l.
As found, unrestored. Provenance: very large private Virginia collection....
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FIFTY-FOUR PREHISTORIC QUARTZITE POINTSFifty-fourprehistoric quartzite points, to include "sugar quartz" and colorful varieties of quartzite materials, largest - 3" l.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this...
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COLLECTION OF PREHISTORIC WHITE QUARTZPOINTSCollection of seventy-two prehistoric white quartz points of various types contained in two Riker mounts and one wood frame, largest - 2 1/2" l.
As found,...
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PREHISTORIC QUARTZ AND QUARTZITE POINTSLargeframe of 143 prehistoric quartz and quartzite points, largest - 3 1/2" l.
As found, unrestored. Provenance: very large private Virginia collection....
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PREHISTORIC QUARTZ AND QUARTZITE POINTSLargeframe of 156 prehistoric quartz and quartzite points, largest - 3" l.
As found, unrestored. Provenance: very large private Virginia collection....
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TWO RIKER MOUNTS CONTAINING PREHISTORICPOINTSTwo Riker mounts, containing thirty-six prehistoric points, to include stemmed archaic types, Guilford types, etc., largest - 2 1/2" l.
Competitive in-house shipping...
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TWO WOOD FRAMES CONTAINING PREHISTORICARTIFACTSTwo wood frames, containing twenty-nine prehistoric artifacts, to include stone blades and colorful flint points from the central US, largest - 6" l.
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FORTY-ONE PREHISTORIC FLINT STONE POINTSFOUNDForty-one prehistoric flint stone points found in Zapata Co., Texas, largest - 2 1/4" l.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
As found,...
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NINETY-SEVEN PREHISTORIC STONE POINTSNinety-sevenprehistoric stone points from Fredericksburg and Bedford County, Virginia, largest - 3" l.
As found, unrestored. Provenance: very large private Virginia collection....
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COLLECTION OF PREHISTORIC POINTSCollectionof 156 prehistoric points of quartz and quartzite found in Virginia, largest - 2 1/4" l.
As found, unrestored. Provenance: very large private Virginia collection....
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PREHISTORIC QUARTZ AND QUARTZITE POINTSThirty-fourprehistoric quartz and quartzite points from Virginia, framed, largest - 2 1/2" l.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
As found, unrestored....
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TWO WOOD FRAMES, CONTAINING PREHISTORICPOINTSTwo wood frames, containing fifty-six prehistoric Pennsylvania projectile points of white and crystalline quartz, largest - 1 1/4" l.
Competitive in-house shipping...
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SAN LAZARO, PREHISTORIC GAMING PIECES,PRE-1600SSan Lazaro, Prehistoric Gaming Pieces, Pre-1600s, 14 pieces fired clay, pigments Dimensions: Smallest: 7/8 x 3/8 in. (2.2 x 1 cm.), Largest: 2 x 1 7/8 in. (5.1...
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PREHISTORIC FISH FOSSIL Prehistoricfish fossil. 1" H x 5.75" W x 2.5" D....
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PREHISTORIC FOSSIL SLUB CARVED OVALPLATEAU ?" x 19 ?" x 12" Oblong carved and polished prehistoric fossil slub footed centerpiece plateau....
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PREHISTORIC FOSSIL SLUB CARVED VASE8" Baluster form carved and polished prehistoric fossil vase. Containing the impression of prehistoric organisms in petrified form....
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PREHISTORIC FOSSIL CYLINDER TEA CADDY/VANITYBOX 4" x 3 ?" Fossilised tea caddy/vanity box with fitted lift-up lid, carved and polished; containing sporadic impression of prehistoric organisms in petrified form....
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GROUP OF ELEVEN PREHISTORIC ARTIFACTSGroup of eleven prehistoric artifacts, comprising three metal flared bit adazes or celts, two stone celts, a stone axe, a grinding stone, and three fragmentary stone gorgets....
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Ten Books of Native American Interest,including M. R. Harrington, Indian Notes an Monographs: Caddo Sites in Arkansas, M. Haberlandt, Etnografia (Spanish text), W. Stallings, Dating Prehistoric Ruins by Tree-Rings...
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BOOKS: Eleven coffee table books onDinosaurs including a limited signed copy of Dinotopia in full leather with slipcase mostly fine; along with a collection of William Stouts' The Prehistoric World prints...
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[American Indian - Archaeology] Bookson Prehistoric Archaeology lot of 7 books including:Barnes F.A. and Michaelene Pendleton. Canyon Country Prehistoric Indians: Their Cultures Ruins Artifacts and Ruins. Salt...
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A carved staghorn Asian building and3 large prehistoric sharks teeth. The Staghorn measures 6.5'' tall and resembles an Asian dwelling. The sharks teeth are from the prehistoric Carcharocles megalodon. The largest...
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