COLLECTION OF 6 BOXING PUGILIST PRINTS,19TH CENTURYSix (6) 19th Century boxing prints. 1st-2nd items Two (2) J. Moore, London boxing color engravings including "Deaf Burke, Born Westminster Dec. 8th 1809, Stands...
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LOUISE NEVELSON "BESIDE THE SEASIDE"SILKSCREENLouise Nevelson (American, 1899-1988). Screenprint on acetate over serigraph on glossy white wove paper titled "I Do Like To Be Beside the Seaside," from the portfolio...
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1999 LEROY NIEMAN "JOHN ELWAY" SIGNEDBY ELWAY & NIEMAN...LeRoy Neiman (American, 1921-2012). "John Elway" original color serigraph on Arches paper with private watermark of the artist's signature - Brand X Editions...
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1960S EDDIE ARNING OIL PASTEL, KENTCIGARETTES, OUTSIDE...Eddie Arning (American, 1898-1993). Oil pastel on paper, ca. 1960s. A large oil pastel drawing by Outsider Artist Eddie Arning inspired by advertisements...
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An Impressive Masterwork Andrew Clemens(American, 1857-1894) Labeled Sand Bottle
Made for Railroad Freight Agent Nicholas J. Goll (1840-1903), Dated 1889
visible through the top of the stopper of the bottle is...
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COLLECTION OF FRAMED WORKS OF ART, MOSTLYRELATED TO BOXINGCollection of Framed Works of Art, Mostly Related to Boxing,,...
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BOX WITH 18 ASSORTED FRAMED WORKS OFART, LARGEST: 14-1/2 X 17-1/2 INBox with 18 Assorted Framed Works of Art, Largest: 14-1/2 x 17-1/2 in...
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BOX OF ASSORTED FRAMED WORKS OF ARTBoxof Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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THREE BOXES WITH ASSORTED FRAMED WORKSOF ART, INCLUDING WATERCOLORS AND PRINTSThree Boxes with Assorted Framed Works of Art, including Watercolors and Prints...
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TWO BOXES WITH ASSORTED FRAMED WORKSOF ARTTwo Boxes with Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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BOX WITH NINE ASSORTED FRAMED WORKSOF ARTBox with Nine Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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BOX WITH SEVEN ASSORTED FRAMED WORKSOF ARTBox with Seven Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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BOX WITH NINE ASSORTED FRAMED WORKSOF ART, LARGEST: 21 X 24 INCHESBox with Nine Assorted Framed Works of Art, Largest: 21 x 24 inches...
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THREE BOXES WITH ASSORTED FRAMED WORKSOF ARTThree Boxes with Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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CHINESE DECORATED VASE, TWO HINGE BOXES,THREE FRAMED WORKS AND A MACHINE MADE RUGChinese Decorated Vase, Two Hinge Boxes, Three Framed Works and a Machine Made Rug...
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BOX WITH ASSORTED FRAMED WORKS OF ARTBoxwith Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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BOX WITH ASSORTED WORKS OF ART AND COPPERFRAME MIRRORBox with Assorted Works of Art and Copper Frame Mirror...
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BOX WITH TEN ASSORTED FRAMED WORKS OFARTBox with Ten Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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BOX WITH SEVEN ASSORTED FRAMED WORKSOF ARTBox with Seven Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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TWO BOXES WITH EIGHTEEN CONTEMPORARYPICTURE FRAMES AND BOX WITH ASSORTED WORKS OF ARTTwo Boxes with Eighteen Contemporary Picture Frames and Box with Assorted Works of Art,...
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BOX WITH FIFTEEN ASSORTED FRAMED WORKSOF ARTBox with Fifteen Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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BOX WITH SIXTEEN FRAMED WORKS OF ARTAND SMALL GROUP WITH UNFRAMED WORKS OF ART, VARIOUS SIZESBox with Sixteen Framed Works of Art and Small Group with Unframed Works of Art,...
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BOX WITH ASSORTED FRAMED WORKS OF ARTBoxwith Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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BOX WITH ASSORTED FRAMED WORKS OF ARTBoxwith Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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TWO BOXES OF ASSORTED FRAMED WORKS OFARTTwo Boxes of Assorted Framed Works of Art...
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TWO BOXES WITH FRAMED PRINTS, ACCENTMIRRORS AND ASSORTED WORKS OF ARTTwo Boxes with Framed Prints, Accent Mirrors and Assorted Works of Art...
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TWO BOXES OF ASSORTED FRAMED WORKS OFARTTwo Boxes of Assorted Framed Works of Art,...
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TWO BOXES OF CONTEMPORARY FRAMED WORKSOF ARTTwo Boxes of Contemporary Framed Works of Art,...
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BOX OF ASSORTED WORKS OF ART, LARGESTFRAME: 21 X 30 INBox of Assorted Works of Art, Largest frame: 21 x 30 in...
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TWO BOXES WITH FRAMED WORKS OF ART,LARGEST: 24 X 34 INTwo Boxes with Framed Works of Art, Largest: 24 x 34 in,...
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BOX OF FRAMED WORKS OF ART, LARGEST:12-1/2 X 16-1/2 INBox of Framed Works of Art, Largest: 12-1/2 x 16-1/2 in...
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TWO BOXES OF ASSORTED WORKS OF ART ANDFRAMESTwo Boxes of Assorted Works of Art and Frames...
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TWO FRAMED WORKS: OIL ON CONCAVE PAPIERMACHE BOARD, "AUTUMN LANDSCAPE", WITH LONE FIGURE, NO SIGNATURE, IN GILT SHADOW BOX FRAME, C...Two framed works: Oil on concave papier mache board, "Autumn Landscape", with...
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HENRY SARASON PORTFOLIO 'SMALL CITY'CA 1955 Henry Michael Sarason (German/American 1896-1979), cased portfolio "Small City, " circa 1955, containing 8 silver gelatin prints, including 'A Thousand Eyes, ' 'Antagonists,...
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CHRISTO (american b. 1935) "WRAPPEDREICHSTAG" Signed and dated 'Christo 1991' bottom right, pencil, ink, ballpoint pen, wax crayon, tape, oil and photograph on cardboard 14 x 11 in. (36 x 29.9 cm) provenance:...
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Quill work box, ebony frame with bonedot inlay, lift-out tray with nine lidded compartments, 4-1/4 x 10-1/4 x 7-1/2 in. Chips, losses, separations, some loss to inlay. H. Moog, Atlanta, Georgia; The Estate of...
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