THREE DECORATIVE TABLES / STANDS1stitem: French inlaid oval side table, mixed woods, parquetry top, gilt bronze bow ormolu, band inlaid tapered legs, all ending in fitted bronze block supports. No maker's mark....
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4 EUROPEAN WOOD BOXES, INCL. STAMP BOXGroupingof four (4) European wood keepsake or storage boxes inclusing one (1) box with satinwood inlaid edges and applied gilt brass mount to the lid and escutcheon with purple fabric...
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ENGLISH GENTLEMAN'S BRASS INLAID BURLWOODTRAVELING DES...Fine 19th C. English Gentleman's Brass Inlaid Burlwood Traveling Desk Box, inlaid brass with brass binding, recessed carry handles. Mahogany interior with...
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RARE AND IMPORTANT RHODE ISLAND FEDERALINLAID FIGURED ...Providence area, dated 1803, traces of chalk signature or inscription on backboard, figured line inlaid top with lightwood oval cartouche with initials "J.E.W....
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SARGENT FAMILY FEDERAL INLAID BURLWOODAND SATINWOOD WO...Boston, attributed to John and Thomas Seymour, 1800-1810, top in finely grained burlwood veneer surrounded by Greek key banding, rich, exuberant satinwood...
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AN ENGLISH RENAISSANCE REVIVAL BURLWOODéTAGèREAn English Renaissance Revival burlwood étagère, Third-quarter 19th Century The breakfront-form demi lune etagere with three foliate marquetry inlaid burlwood...
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CONTINENTAL INLAID BURLWOOD DEMILUNECOMMODE COMMODE, 20th Century, the semicircular top inlaid with floral vines over corresponding case with three central curved drawers flanked by cabinets on tapered squared...
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PAIR OF PROVINCIAL STYLE SATINWOOD INLAIDBURLWOOD AND FRUITWOOD BEDSIDE TABLES, H: 28, W: 28, D: 16 INPair of Provincial Style Satinwood Inlaid Burlwood and Fruitwood Bedside Tables, H: 28, W: 28, D: 16 in...
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FEDERAL STYLE SATINWOOD, INLAID BURLWOODAND MAHOGANY GOVERNOR WINTHROP STYLE DESK, H: 37, W: 49, D: 26 INFederal Style Satinwood, Inlaid Burlwood and Mahogany Governor Winthrop Style Desk, H: 37, W: 49, D: 26 in...
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CONTINENTAL MARQUETRY BURLWOOD HINGEDBOX, 11-1/2 X 18 X 10-1/2 INContinental Marquetry Burlwood Hinged Box, 11-1/2 x 18 x 10-1/2 in...
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NAPOLEON III ORMOLU MOUNTED MARQUETRYBURLWOOD SLANT-FRONT DESK AND CHAIR H: 41 W: 30 1/2 D: 17 1/4 INNapoleon III Ormolu Mounted Marquetry Burlwood Slant-Front Desk and Chair H: 41 W: 30 1/2 D: 17 1/4 in...
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GEORGIAN STYLE MARQUETRY INLAID BURLWOODAND MAHOGANY SERPENTINE CHEST OF DRAWERS BY JOSEPH GERTE CO, 35 X 47-1/2 X 23 INGeorgian Style Marquetry Inlaid Burlwood and Mahogany Serpentine Chest of Drawers by Joseph...
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VICTORIAN INLAID BURLWOOD HINGED BOX,3-3/4 X 7 X 4-1/2 INVictorian Inlaid Burlwood Hinged Box, 3-3/4 x 7 x 4-1/2 in...
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WIENER WERKSTäTTE MARQUETRY BURLWOODTABLE TOP VANITY ATTRIBUTED TO HUGO GORGE, WIEN, AUSTRIA, CIRCA 1920SWiener Werkstätte Marquetry Burlwood Table Top Vanity, Attributed to Hugo Gorge, Wien, Austria, Circa...
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ITALIAN INLAID BURLWOOD DROP LEAF TABLEH: 31-1/2 IN W: 39 IN D: 25 INItalian Inlaid Burlwood Drop Leaf Table H: 31-1/2 in W: 39 in D: 25 in...
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DREXEL HERITAGE INLAID BURLWOOD FIVE-DRAWERCHESTDrexel Heritage Inlaid Burlwood Five-Drawer Chest, Height: 35-1/2 in; Width: 30 in; Depth: 12 in...
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CONTINENTAL INLAID BURLWOOD CHEST ONSTANDContinental Inlaid Burlwood Chest on Stand , 19th c., serpentine top, three conforming drawers, shell carved apron, foliate carved legs, drake feet, h. 32 in., w. 26...
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CONTINENTAL INLAID, BURLWOOD, EBONIZEDMIRRORSPair of Continental Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid, Burlwood and Ebonized Mirrors, 19th c., possibly Spain or Portugal, molded scroll cornice, geometric motifs, shaped mirror...
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ART DECO-STYLE INLAID BURLWOOD CHESTArtDeco-Style Inlaid Burlwood Chest , cello shape, four drawers, integrated base , h. 63 in., w. 22 in., d. 15...
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ANTIQUE AMERICAN INLAID BURLWOOD JEWLERYBOXAntique American Inlaid Burlwood Jewlery Box , brass sunrise inlay, fitted interior, h. 5 3/4 in., w. 13 in., d. 11 1/8 in...
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MARQUETRY BURLWOOD TWO-TIER TEA CART30 X 17 X 31 IN. (76.2 X 43.2 X 78.7 CM.)Marquetry Burlwood Two-Tier Tea Cart, Dimensions: 30 x 17 x 31 in. (76.2 x 43.2 x 78.7 cm.)...
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(2) ITALIAN INLAID BURLWOOD BOMBE NIGHTSTANDS(pair)Italian Louis XV style inlaid burlwood bedside cabinets, early 20th c., having shaped top, over bombe case fitted with single cabinet door, revealing open storage, with scrolled...
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FRENCH NAPOLEON III INLAID BURLWOODCAVE A LIQUEURFrench Napoleon III period cave a liqueur, 19th c., burlwood case with floral inlay, opening to removable cradle fitted with (four) etched glass decanters, (one)...
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FRENCH NAPOLEON III INLAID BURLWOODTANTALUS SETFrench Napoleon III period cave a liqueur/ tantalus set, late 19th c., burlwood case with mother of pearl and gilt metal marquetry, inlaid stringwork, opening...
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ENGLISH INLAID BURLWOOD BAROMETER/THERMOMETERH: 33 IN. (83.8 CM.)English Inlaid Burlwood Barometer/Thermometer, Dimensions: H: 33 in. (83.8 cm.)...
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VICTORIAN MOTHER OF PEARL INLAID BURLWOODAND ROSEWOOD LAP DESKVictorian Mother of Pearl Inlaid Burlwood and Rosewood Lap Desk,,...
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MARQUETRY BURLWOOD VENEER AND BRASSGALLERIED DROP-LEAF TEA CART 30 X 31 X 17 IN. (76.2 X 78.7 X 43.2 CM.)Marquetry Burlwood Veneer and Brass Galleried Drop-Leaf Tea Cart, Dimensions: 30 x 31 x 17 in. (76.2...
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CONTINENTAL SATINWOOD INLAID BURLWOODHINGED TOP BOXContinental Satinwood Inlaid Burlwood Hinged Top Box,,...
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GEORGIAN STYLE INLAID BURLWOOD CORNERCHAMBER POT CABINET, 32 1/2 X 26 1/2 X 18 IN. (82.6 X 67.3 X 45.7 CM.)Georgian Style Inlaid Burlwood Corner Chamber Pot Cabinet,, Dimensions: 32 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 18 in. (82.6...
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STILNOVO ITALIAN SATINWOOD INLAID BURLWOODMUSIC JEWELRY BOXStilnovo Italian Satinwood Inlaid Burlwood Music Jewelry Box,...
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CONTINENTAL INLAID BURLWOOD HUMIDORContinentalInlaid Burlwood Humidor , metal lined interior , h. 12 in., w. 16 in., d. 13 in. , h. 12 in., w. 16 in., d. 13 in....
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BIEDERMEIER-STYLE INLAID BURLWOOD CENTERTABLEBiedermeier-Style Inlaid Burlwood Center Table, segmented octagonal top, inlaid frieze and incurvate standard, h. 29 in., dia. 37 1/2 in....
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Inlaid burlwood tea box, barberpoleinlaid borders on burlwood ground, inlaid kite escutcheon, brass knob, interior with traces of original foil, British, 19th century, 5-3/4 x 4-1/2 x 4-1/4 in. Scattered chips,...
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Marquetry inlaid burlwood armchair,walnut and other mixed woods, vine and floral carved back with inlaid central panel, burlwood and inlaid seat, seat tilts back exposing compartment below seat (formerly fitted...
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