TWO ANTIQUE PISTOLS Continental,A flintlockpistol with a .63 bore, NSN, walnut stock, brass fittings (broken trigger guard); and a double barrel percussion pistol with a .67 bore, no serial number, walnut stock, and...
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2 FLINTLOCK PISTOLS, ONE GEROMINO FERNANDEZTwo18th century Continental flintlocks including one by Geromino Fernandez. 1st item - Spanish Flintlock Pistol, gold inlay marks on the barrel breech for Geromino Fernandez...
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2 CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOLS, POWDERHORNGrouping of two (2) Continental flintlock pistols and a small powder horn with silver inlay cap/plug. 1st item - Continental flintlock pistol with foliate carved forearm...
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TWO CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOLSsmallerItalian Flintlock pistol, Brescia Italy, 1700s, marked "G.M. LOGIA" on lock plate, 8-1/4 in. smooth bore flat top barrel with gilt or brass hallmark surrounded by lilies,...
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19TH C. SQUARE PICTURE/MIRROR FRAMESHELL CORNEREDpobably European, old gold paint with gilding, with appiled seashell corners, remnants of 1H 19th c. newspapers verso, currently with a modern mirror
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19TH C. EUROPEAN FRAME, ORNATE WITHSHELL CORNERS19x21 interior, framed 24.5x26.5
Litchfield Auctions is honored to offer Selections from the Collection of Peter Tillou. Peter has enjoyed wide renown across...
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NORTHERN EUROPEAN CABINET W BAT CARVEDDOOR 18THmixed specimen wood veneers and inlay - walnut, burl, oak framed, fluted flanking columns, hand-wrought hardware, a winged bat atop its door, late 18th century -...
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4 H x 14 L x 8 D
Litchfield Auctions is honored to offer Selections from the Collection of Peter Tillou. Peter has enjoyed wide renown across...
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DOUBLE BARREL DERRINGER PISTOL AND TWOFLINTLOCK POCKET PISTOLS Likely continental, first half of 19th century, all with walnut grips; the flintlocks with cannon-style smooth barrels, the larger one with engraved...
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PAIR OF EUROPEAN FLINTLOCK HORSE PISTOLSPairof European flintlock horse pistols , approximately .75 caliber, with iron mounted relief carved walnut stocks, 11" octagonal to round barrels.
Competitive in-house shipping...
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PAIR OF CONTINENTAL FLINTLOCK PISTOLS,EARLY 19TH CENTURY Each with a .68 caliber smoothbore 10 in. barrel on a carved walnut stock; brass elements to include the trigger guard, butt cap, shoulder inlay and left...
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Pair of continental flintlock duelingpistols with engraved barrel, 18/19th c.
Condition: Cracks, restorations, wear consistent with age....
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Pair of Continental flintlock pistols19th century; part-octagon barrel with flared muzzle inlaid with pewter 8 in. L.; walnut full stock with pewter-inlaid iron mounts and wire inlays; 13 in. L. overall...
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TWO FLINTLOCK PISTOLS AND POWDER HORN.European 18th century. Similar pistols with wire inlay and brass trim with a tooled barrel. Probably made for the Middle Eastern market. Imperfections. 16''l. Plus a small...
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Five European and British pistols: onebrass double barrel percussion; one brass octagonal barrel percussion; one percussion octagonal steel barrel; one flintlock; in wooden frame 20 x 18-1/2 in.; with British...
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