LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT BRONZE BOUILLOTTELAMP Louis XVI style gilt bronze bouillotte lamp, overall with Neoclassical details, with four lights and four candle holders, adjustable height black tole shade and arrow...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT BRONZE MOUNTEDURNS, PAIR Pair of Louis XVI style gilt bronze mounted red granite urns, overall with Neoclassical motifs and flanked with Bacchanalian masks, decorated with bands of egg-and-dart...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT BRONZE BOUILLOTTELAMP Louis XVI style gilt bronze bouillotte lamp, 19th century, overall with Neoclassical details, with two lights (lacking sockets) and three faux candles under black tole...
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FRENCH DORE BRONZE CANDELABRA LAMP FrenchLouis XVI / Neoclassical style gilt bronze lamp with three candelabra arms and two lights, with an acorn finial and pleated shade. Lamp: 27" H x 11" diameter; shade: 9" H...
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FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT BRONZE 6-LTCHANDELIERFrench Louis XVI style gilt bronze chandelier, early 20th c., having baluster-form standard, with neoclassical female demi figures, issuing six scrolling foliate...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE BRONZE MOUNTED MARBLEPEDESTALFrench Neoclassical Louis XVI style Bardiglio marble pedestal, having square top, over gilt bronze ionic capital, fluted columnar stem with laurel verticals, gilt...
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PRE. 20TH C. NEOCLASSICAL STYLE BRONZEGIRANDOLES Pair of French gilt bronze three light electrified girandoles in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, early 20th century, each having a lyre form body hung with colorless...
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PAIR ANTIQUE LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT BRONZESCONCES 19th c., France, thickly gilt cast bronze, the torch-form standard topped with neoclassical urn, issuing two scroll arms joined by draped swag, terminating in bobeche...
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PAIR, LOUIS XVI STYLE FLORAL GILT BRONZESCONCES Continental, 20th century. Pair of gilt bronze three-light wall sconces in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste having basket form bodies filled with florals, suspended...
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PAIR, LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT BRONZE SCONCESContinental, 20th century. Pair of gilt bronze two-light wall sconces in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste having tapering bodies surmounted by laurel draped urns, and curving...
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PAIR, LOUIS XVI STYLE BRONZE & MARBLECASSOLETTES Continental, 20th century. Pair of black-green marble cassolettes or urns in the neoclassical Louis XVI taste having foliate patterned bronze mounts. Unmarked....
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PAIR, 19TH / 20TH C. FRENCH SATYR MASKBRONZE URNS French, late 19th to early 20th century. Pair of Louis XVI neoclassical style cast bronze urns having satyr mask handles, and floral swag and acanthus leaf decoration....
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20TH C. LOUIS XVI STYLE BRONZE FIREPLACESCREEN Likely French, first half 20th century. Bronze fireplace screen in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste, having foliate decoration and mesh screen. Unmarked. Approx. h....
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GROUP 3, FRENCH CARVED WOODEN DIMINUTIVETABORETS French, 20th century. Set of three diminutive taborets or footstools comprising: two in the Louis XV taste and one in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste with bronze...
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PR., BRONZE NEOCLASSICAL STYLE THREE-LIGHTSCONCES Possibly French, early 20th century. Pair of gilt bronze sconces in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste, each surmounted by a flaming urn, the body decorated with ram's...
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PAIR OF NEOCLASSICAL STYLE ORMOLU CANDLESTICKSFrench, 19th century. Pair of gilt bronze ormolu candlesticks in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste, each having beaded and foliate detail, tapering stem, and domed base with...
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PR. OF GILT BRONZE NEOCLASSICAL STYLECANDLESTICK French, 19th/20th century. Pair of gilt bronze ormolu candlesticks in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste, each having beaded and foliate detail, tapering stem with...
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(2) FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT BRONZECANDELABRA(pair) French Louis XVI style gilt bronze eight-light candelabra, late 19th/ early 20th c., each with eight scrolling foliate arms, ending in faux candle lights,...
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PR., LOUIS XVI-STYLE BRONZE & MARBLECASSOULETTES French, 20th century. Pair of bronze dore mounted marble cassoulets or covered urns in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste, having grape finials, rams' head masks,...
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FRENCH LOUIS XVI SOLID BRONZE VITRINETABLE French, 20th century. Cast bronze and glazed vitrine table in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste, having a hinged beveled top with rais-de-coeur edge, open scrolled...
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(4) SCONCES, LOUIS XVI STYLE BRONZERAM'S HEAD(lot of 4) Metal wall sconces, 20th c., including: (1) French Louis XVI style bronze scone, tapered standard with Neoclassical urn, ram's head, issuing two scrolled...
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LARGE NEOCLASSICAL MARBLE & BRONZE CASSOLETTEFrench, 20th century, large gilt bronze mounted green marble cassolette or urn in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, having figural snake handles, and on wooden and marble...
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PR. NEOCLASSICAL-STYLE BRONZE & MARBLECASSOLETTES French, 20th century. Pair of gilt bronze mounted pink marble cassolettes or urns in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste, having figural handles, and octagonal...
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PR., NEOCLASSICAL-STYLE BRONZE CHENETSWITH PUTTI Likely French, late 19th to early 20th century. Pair of gilt-bronze chenets or firedogs in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste, having a flaming draped urn, and...
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PR. LOUIS XVI-STYLE SEVEN-LIGHT GILTSCONCES Likely Continental, pair of gilt bronze seven-light sconces in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, each modeled as a ribbon tied quiver with arrows issuing twisted,...
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LARGE NEOCLASSICAL MARBLE & BRONZE CASSOLETTEFrench, 20th century, large gilt bronze mounted green marble cassolette or urn in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, having figural snake handles, and on wooden and marble...
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PR., NEOCLASSICAL STYLE THREE-LIGHTBRONZE SCONCES French, pair of gilt bronze three-light candle sconces in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, having a ribbon tied quiver form back plate issuing curving fluted...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE TOP INLAID BUFFETFrench marble top buffet in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, having mixed wood marquetry and parquetry inlay, bronze mounts, three drawers and doors, and rising on toupie...
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PAIR OF LOUIS XVI STYLE PAINTED ANDPARCEL GILT BRONZE TWO-LIGHT SCONCES PARCEL GILT BRONZE TWO-LIGHT SCONCES, each eight-sided panel with leaf-top carved border centering an oval central medallion on a blue...
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PAIR NEOCLASSICAL BRONZE URN LAMPS ANDSHADES Pair of Continental bronze urn lamps in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, having double arms and decorated with laurel swags, having numeric marker notations but otherwise...
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PR LOUIS XVI STYLE ORMOLU ROCK CRYSTALCANDELABRA Pair of French gilt bronze mounted rock crystal four-light candelabra in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, each having a quiver form stem issuing scrolled foliate...
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PAIR OF LOUIS XVI STYLE BRONZE URN FORMCHENETS Pair of French bronze chenets or andirons in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, in the manner of Bouhon et Cie, late 19th century, each having a floral draped double...
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PR NEOCLASSICAL STYLE BRONZE MOUNTEDMARBLE LAMPS Pair of Continental gilt bronze mounted Sienna marble table lamps in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, each having ram's head handles, floral swags, and rising...
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LOUIS XVI NEOCLASSICAL STYLE BRONZEMARBLE URNS PR Pair of Eclectic Neoclassical Revival covered white marble cassolette urns mounted with gilt bronze accents including scrolling foliate friezes in the style...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE DOUBLE MIRRORED DOORARMOIRE Continental mahogany parquetry inlaid armoire, early 20th century, in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, having a curved cornice bronze mounts, double mirrored doors...
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Pair of Louis XVI neoclassical stylegilt-bronze two-light bras de lumiere with patinated bronze reserve panels early 20th century; top with Classical style urn Greek key border on socket base gilt-relief scene...
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