Carved ivory letter opener, carved withchains of camels, approx 16cm L...
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A Group of Ten Ivory and Bone NeedleCases, Letter Openers, and Tusk Carvings, Mid 20th Century ?????? ??????? longest length 16.9 in — 43 cm...
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ANTIQUE CARVED BELUGA WHALE HANDLE LETTEROPENERCarved Antique Walrus Ivory Letter Opener, with beluga whale carved handle
Length 8.5 in.
Items may have wear and tear, imperfections or the effects of...
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GROUP OF THREE INLAID BOXESBritish,19th/early 20th century, comprising: marquetry inlaid box of rectangular form, inlaid house decoration, hinged lid with inlaid star and flower basket design, open interior...
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GROUP OF THREE TORTOISESHELL/HORN MINIATUREBOXESBritish/American, late 18th/19th century, comprising: tortoiseshell snuff box of rectangular form with hinged lid and open interior, paper label inscribed "Nathan Wright...
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Alaskan (Reindeer People), c. 1900, walrus ivory. Nine (9) total articles of ivory, scrimshaw work, letter openers, a wooden paddle, and a fragment of petrified...
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CARVED IVORY COKE BOTTLE LETTER OPENERIvoryletter opener with Coca Cola bottle with Arabic text, 8 1/2" long. shipping info This lot can be shipped in-house....
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WALRUS IVORY LETTER OPENER LATE 19THCENTURY LENGTH 8.25".WALRUS IVORY LETTER OPENER, Late 19th Century, Stacked handle, possibly suggesting blubber "bible leaves", topped with a naively carved whale with a...
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19TH C. JAPANESE IVORY CARD CASE, LETTEROPENER AND NAPKIN RING Meiji Card case with detailed overall reticulated relief carving of figures and pagodas in gardens, 3 3/8" x 1 1/4"; PLUS Knife carved with four Samurai,...
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ASIAN, ETC.: 19TH/ EARLY 20TH C. IVORYAND BONE, ELEVEN CARVED PIECES, INCLUDING: WOOD HANDLE IVORY PAGE TURNER, 15" L.; TWO SMALLER...ASIAN, etc.: 19th/ early 20th C. Ivory and bone, eleven carved pieces, including:...
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ASIAN, ETC.: 19TH/ EARLY 20TH C. IVORYAND BONE, ELEVEN CARVED PIECES, INCLUDING: WOOD HANDLE IVORY PAGE TURNER, 15" L.; TWO SMALLER...ASIAN, etc.: 19th/ early 20th C. Ivory and bone, eleven carved pieces, including:...
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ESKIMO WALRUS IVORY LETTER OPENER FIRSTQUARTER OF THE 20TH CENTURY LENGTH 9”.ESKIMO WALRUS IVORY LETTER OPENER, First Quarter of the 20th Century, Terminal with a relief-carved polar bear and walrus head. Dimensions:...
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(6) Assorted pierced and carved ivoriesto include a small framed scene, (2) letter openers (1) of which with horse form handle and sterling band, with repair, pierced and carved cup lacking bottom, small figureal...
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Ivory and Bone Letter Openers Africanearly 20th century. Four ivory and bone letter openers all with carved animal handles all unmarked; longest lg. 10.5 in. International shipping is not available for this item....
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ESTATE COLLECTION OF CARVED IVORY: Toinclude 1) Carved figure of fisherman with net carved wood base. 4 3/4'' h. overall. 2) Pierced fan 8'' l. 3) Carved figure of seated Buddha carved wood base 3 3/4'' h. overall....
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GROUP OF CARVED ITEMS AND TWO BRUSHPOTS. Asian mostly 20th century. Bone figural group 5 1/2''h.; letter opener; snuff bottle; ivory or bone relief carved medallion 2''l.; small ivory puzzle ball on stand...
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A Carved Ivory Card Case and LetterOpener Finely carved depicting a pagoda in a landscape with people working. Removable top. Measures apprx. 4-1/4"L x 2-1/2"W x 1/3"W. Carved ivory letter opener has an oblong...
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GROUP OF ASIAN CARVINGS including ahardstone flowering peony branch candleholder - w: 7.5 in. green serpentine carving of a lotus leaf - w: 4.5 in. a gourdine cluster - length 6.25 in. serpentine leaf - length...
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Lot of assorted Asian carved decorativesand more. Includes a Maria Theresa Thaler style silver coin mounted with brackets on a sterling silver link necklace; a carved wood painted and gilt figural group with wax...
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(5) Pcs. Chinese Qing Carved IvoryToinclude a silver letter opener mounted with an ivory handle depicting standing figures and lotus blossoms together with four Chinese carved ivory cigarette and cigar holders...
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A Carved Ivory Letter Opener Apprx.8-1/8"L with the handle carved in relief with two boars on one side and a boar and a dog on the reverse of the handle with light indications of landscape incised into the...
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A European Carved Ivory Letter Openerhaving a scrolled handle together with a dressing tool and a spool. Length of first 9 1/2 inches....
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Two Carved Ivory Page Turners the firsthaving a foliate decorated handle the second having a gilt metal handle together with three carved ivory letter openers and twelve ivory picks with stand. Length of longest...
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Japanese etched ivory cylindrical penholder; together with a pair of Japanese ivory figural chop sticks and two letter openers 1) pen holder - etched jester in garden scene, 5 3/8 in. H.; 2) chop sticks - deity...
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A Group of Three European Carved IvoryArticles comprising a carved knight chess piece a letter opener and an ovoid form bobeche having figural decoration. Length of longest 10 1/4 inches....
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Five Continental carved ivory letteropeners and page turners the largest mounted with pewter anchor and brass monogram "S," another with brass monogram; 7 1/2 to 12 in. L....
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FOUR CARVINGS. Asian 1st half-20thcentury. Miniature bone abacus 2'' x 4'' and three pieces of ivory. Dragon ball (age split) 1 1/4''d. and a letter opener 6''l. Together with a figural fragment 4 1/2''l....
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A Potter and Bentley Studios Desk SetThe natural bronze set consisting of: Two letter trays with lids, interior braces, antique carved ivory inset details, approx. 8-7/8" x 11-5/8" x 2", wool felt on the undersides;...
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(2) Pcs.Inuit Ivory Scrimshaw Ring &Letter OpenerIncluding an ivory scrimshaw ring with scrimshaw carving of Inuit ice fishing along with letter opener with tag stating ''Haida Syxee'' circa 20th century largest...
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SEVERAL SMALL CARVINGS. Asian early20th century. Twelve pieces of bone or ivory including animals carved handles a shoe horn automobile 3''l. and a ball 2''d. Together with a pierce-carved bamboo cylinder...
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Tassel with carved stone figures includingtwo tiny monkeys and two mice an unidentified broken piece cylinder of ivory with detachable end etched with two figures red coral at base; along with a seated ivory mouse...
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