CONTINENTAL RELIGIOUS CARVED WOOD CRUCIFIXCROSSContinental carved wood crucifix altar figure, early 20th c., in an ebonized finish, with pressed metal end caps, contrasting figure of Christ, on naturalistic rocky...
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ANTIQUE RELIGIOUS CARVED WOOD FIGUREDESCRIPTION:An antique religious figure composed of a carved wood and gesso foundation with polychrome finishes, completed with bronze mounted accents. CIRCA: 19th Century. ORIGIN: Continental...
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SMALL EUROPEAN PAINTED PORCELAIN PLAQUE,MADONNA & CHIL...Small Continental hand-painted porcelain plaque depicting the Madonna and Child, seated by a tree, with a village in the background. Front is unsigned, back...
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Pair antique European carved wood religiousstanding figures; one mounted on custom base; as-is condition with wear and surface flaws; tallest H 9 1/2"Provenance: Estate of Roy and Ilse Byrnes, San Juan Capistrano,...
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5PC CONTINENTAL CARVED WOOD RELIGIOUSARTICLES Continental,19th CenturyIncludes a sculpture of the Virgin Mary with open arms and one foot standing on the neck of a snake, a sculpture of an angel dressed in a...
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CONTINENTAL RELIGIOUS CARVED OAK MADONNAContinentalcarved oak religious figure, Madonna, 19th c., well-draped robes, modeled with her hands crossed in front of her chest, splits, wood loss, approx 32"h, 17lbs...
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18TH CENTURY LARGE CARVED RELIGIOUSFIGURE Continental, 18th century. Carved wood kneeling penitent saint fitted with base made from inverted acanthus leaf capital column of similar, possibly earlier period....
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CONTINENTAL RELIGIOUS FINELY GILT FIGUREOF CHRISTContinental religious carved wood altar figure, 18th c., depicting Christ with his left hand across his breast, dressed in brightly gilt robes, remnants of polychrome...
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TWO CONTINENTAL ARTICULATED SANTOS MALEAND FEMALE SAINTS Circa 1800, possibly Spanish, carved wood with gesso and polychrome, glass eyes, well-rendered naturalistic forms including a kneeling male figure (14 3/4...
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THREE EASTERN EUROPEAN CARVED WOOD RELIGIOUSFIGURES, H OF TALLER: 16 IN. (40.64 CM.)Three Eastern European Carved Wood Religious Figures,, Dimensions: H of taller: 16 in. (40.64 cm.)...
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Early Continental carved wood religiousfigural group, nun holding Virgin mother & child, 16-1/2" h, minor losses...
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(4) CONTINENTAL RELIGIOUS HOLY WATERFONTS(lot of 4) Continental religious holy water fonts, including: (2) in velvet upholstery, (one) with molded glass scene depicting two angels in relief, (one) with gilt...
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(6) CONTINENTAL RELIGIOUS HOLY WATERFONTS, SHELL(lot of 6) Continental holy water fonts, highlights include: (two) French reverse-painted glass fonts, with pierced gilt metal frame, over shell basin; (one) mother...
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ASSORTED WOODEN PRINTS, MOLDS AND BOARDS.American and European, 18th-early 20th century. Three cookie boards including cornucopia, 4", 6.5"h., compass star butter print, 4.25"d., mangle board with scratch carved...
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PROVINCIAL EUROPEAN CARVED FIGURE OFTHE VIRGIN Provincial European carved santos figure of the Virgin, with evidence of polychrome decoration, perhaps German or Austrian, possibly 17th century or later, and...
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(4) CONTINENTAL RELIGIOUS ICONS ANDCARVINGS 17th - 19th c., comprising (3) wood carvings of a female figure, Russian-style icon, and cherub, with a mixed media framed tableau of three saints or monks, 8.5"h...
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EUROPEAN CARVED WOOD RELIGIOUS ICONSTATUE Europe,17th CenturyFigural images of Jesus and God holding a crown over Mary who is kneeling on the ground in prayer....
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FRAMED CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS M.O.P RELICCARVINGS European,Late 19th-Early 20th CenturyLot includes one miniature Holy Bible, two opposing MOP buttons of Jesus and Joseph, one carved MOP Last supper scene with detailed...
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Two carved ivory religious figures:Saint Anthony of Padua holding the Christ Child, 5-1/2 in., wood stand, probably Spanish Colonial, 19th century, 7-1/2 in., lacking nimbuses, Anthony lacking cross in right...
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Continental carved wood religious sculptureofa figural group modeled as Jesus Mary Magdalene and three Disciples. 26''H x 16.5''W x 7''D Circa - 1900....
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TWO MANNEQUINS/ PROCESSIONAL FIGURES.European 19th century painted wood. Both have carved heads and torsos with jointed arms and tapered slat bases. Similar to Portuguese religious figures dressed and used...
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Continental silver-tone Filigree triptych,encasing three finely carved wood panels depicting religious scenery Estimate $150-250...
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