GROUP OF 10 ASIAN WOOD, METAL, STONE& OTHER ARTICLESGroup of 10 Asian Wood, Metal, Stone and Other Articles, comprising a small Jadeite figure on a wood stand ( 2 1/8 in. tall, with chip to collar behind figures...
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GROUP OF 5 SOUTH EAST ASIAN CARVED FIGURESPropertyfrom the Collection of Lady Grundy, Cocoa Beach, FL Group of 5 South East Asian Carved Figures, comprising a standing figure, a nude female figure with a monkey, two children...
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THREE SOUTH ASIAN DEITY MASKSThree SouthAsian deity masks. Carved wood and painted masks of a monkey figure (possibly Hanuman), a prince with small headdress and Bindi on forehead, and a deity with polychromatic...
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SOUTH ASIAN POLYCHROME CARVED WOOD ARCHITECTURALSouth Asian polychrome carved wood architectural element, modeled as three headed elephant, 32"h. x 37"w. x 18"d....
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(LOT OF 2) SOUTH ASIAN WOOD CARVINGSOF GANESH (lot of 2) South Asian wood carvings of Ganesh, carved in deep relief within lotus borders, 44"h. 12.5"w. and 42"h. x 11"w....
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A SOUTH EAST ASIAN CARVED WOOD TOTEMPOLE A South East Asian carved wood totem pole, 50"h...
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A SOUTH EAST ASIAN CARVED TEAK NARRATIVEPANEL, POSSIBL... PANEL, POSSIBLY BURMESE/THAI, 20TH CENTURY, of square form and intricately detailed deep relief carving depicting a hunter youth wearing traditional headdress...
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Antique south Asian carved wood architecturalsalvage panel depicting several figures and deities in openwork; overall good condition- General marks and age ware, cracks, scratches, rubbing, flaws, and losses. Possible...
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THREE SOUTH ASIAN DEVOTIONAL FIGURESThreeSouth Asian devotional figures, Circa 18th-20th Century Comprising a carved stone figure, possibly Kali Ma, a wooden seated Buddha with cobra, and an earthenware "tsa-tsa"...
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A PAIR OF SOUTH ASIAN CARVED WOOD YALITEMPLE GUARDSA pair of South Asian carved wood Yali temple guards, 19th/20th Century Each polychromed carved wood figure in the form and a lion-type Yali with scrolled tail...
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THREE SOUTH ASIAN LIFT-TOP WOODEN BOXESTHREESOUTH ASIAN LIFT-TOP WOODEN BOXES: red/black pyramidal letter box with brass hardware, 8"H x 9.25"W x 12"L; carved wood letterbox with iron hardware, 6.75"H x 13.5"L x 10.75"W;...
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GROUP WITH TWO DESK GLOBES, BRASS MODELCANNON AND SOUTH ASIAN WOOD WALL CARVINGGroup with Two Desk Globes, Brass Model Cannon and South Asian Wood Wall Carving,...
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COLLECTION OF SOUTH ASIAN PAINTED MASKSAND CARVED WOOD ADJUSTABLE BOOKSHELVES AND FOLDING STOOLCollection of South Asian Painted Masks and Carved Wood Adjustable Bookshelves and Folding Stool,...
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SOUTH EAST ASIAN CARVED HARDWOOD FIGUREOF AN ELDER, H: 40 1/4 IN. (102.24 CM.)South East Asian Carved Hardwood Figure of an Elder,, Dimensions: H: 40 1/4 in. (102.24 cm.)...
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TWO SOUTH EAST ASIAN CARVED WOOD FIGURALCANDLEHOLDERS, HEIGHT: 13-1/4 INTwo South East Asian Carved Wood Figural Candleholders, Height: 13-1/4 in...
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FIVE SOUTH EAST ASIAN CARVED FIGURINESOF DIETIES AND TWO BALINESE BUSTS OF MENFive South East Asian Carved Figurines of Dieties and Two Balinese Busts of Men,...
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CHINESE OR SOUTH ASIAN STONE HEAD OFBUDDHAAntique Chinese or South Asian Stone Head of Buddha , carved wearing a serene expression with eyes downcast in meditation, trace paint and gilt, h. 12 in., mounted to...
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SOUTH ASIAN CARVED STONE OR STUCCO HEADOF BUDDHAAntique South Asian Carved Stone or Stucco Head of Buddha, stylized plaited curls extending over a high ushnisha, low straight hairline, arched eyebrows joined at...
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SOUTH ASIAN CARVED STONE OR STUCCO HEADOF BUDDHALarge Antique South Asian Carved Stone or Stucco Head of Buddha, rounded face with tight spiraling curls beneath a domed ushnisha, distinct widow's peak, arched slender...
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GILT, GESSOED, AND CARVED WOOD FIGUREOF GUANYIN WITH A SOUTH ASIAN PATINATED METAL FIGURE OF A BODHISATTVA, H TALLER 20 3/4 IN. (52.7 CM.)Gilt, Gessoed, and Carved Wood Figure of Guanyin with a South Asian Patinated...
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TWO PROBABLY SOUTH ASIAN POLYCHROMEPAINTED CARVED WOOD AND COMPOSITE MASKS OF DEITIESTwo Probably South Asian Polychrome Painted Carved Wood and Composite Masks of Deities,,...
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Antique south Asian carved wood architecturalsalvage panel depicting dancing figures in openwork; overall good condition- General marks and age ware, cracks, scratches, rubbing, flaws, and losses. Possible restorations;...
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Antique south Asian carved wood seatedBuddha with red and gilt pigment; as is condition, loss to plinth, loss to pigment, flaws, age wear, surface wear, surface soiling; L 8 1/2" H 19" (Approx.)Provenance: Private...
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WOODEN GANESH STATUE Vintage South AsianCarved Figure, with polychrome painted surface, depicting Lord Ganesha dancing atop a lotus base, and holding a noose, elephant goad, mango and his broken tusk, 24 3/4" high,...
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A SOUTH ASIAN "SIDDHI GANESHA" CARVEDTEAK PANELA South Asian "Siddhi Ganesha" carved teak panel, Late 19th/early 20th century Appears unmarked The carved wood panel depicting the Hindi god Ganesha with his...
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SOUTH ASIAN CARVED WOOD FIGURES OF SEATEDBUDDHA AND RECUMBENT CHILD, H OF TALLER: 12 3/4 IN. (32.4 CM.)South Asian Carved Wood Figures of Seated Buddha and Recumbent Child,, Dimensions: H of taller: 12 3/4 in. (32.4...
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COLLECTION OF SOUTH ASIAN CARVED WOODAND COMPOSITE TABLE ARTICLESCollection of South Asian Carved Wood and Composite Table Articles,...
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SOUTH ASIAN HINDU CARVED WOOD PLAQUESouth Asian Hindu carved wood plaque, carved in high relief to depict Shiva as the central figure with Naga and other snakes, 32"h. x 36"w. Provenance: Purchased from Rudi...
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SOUTH ASIAN WOOD CARVING OF GANESH SouthAsian wood carving of Ganesh, carved in relief with the three-headed verison of the Hindu deity, 35.25"h....
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SOUTH ASIAN POLYCHROME PAINTED WOODAPSARA STATUE Antique South Asian polychrome painted and hand carved wooden sculpture of a dancing Apsara figure on a cloud form pedestal, with multicolor glass inlay details...
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LARGE LOT OF ASIAN TEXTILES AND OTHERITEMS,mostly from East, South, and Central Asia. Late 19th early 20th century. To include: plain red silk piano shawl with hand knotted fringe, very good condition, 4' square....
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South Asian carved driftwood sittinglotus Buddha bellow a 7-headed dragon; does not stand independently, moderate age wear, surface soiling, surface wear, overall good condition; L 10 1/2" W 7" H 27 1/2" (Approx.)...
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A Pair of South Asian Carved and PaintedTabourets
20th Century
with mirrored appliqués throughout.
Height 11 1/2 x width 14 x depth 13 3/4 inches....
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PR SOUTH EAST ASIAN CARVED STONE HEADSSouth East Asia19th CenturyIncludes two faces with flared nostrils and wide down turned mouths....
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An Early Asian Carved Stone BuddhistStele rectangular body deeply relief carved to one side with figures to two sides with Buddhist lions and to the fourth with serpent dragons height 34 in. surmounted by a...
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