AN ITALIAN CARVED GILT AND RED MICADECORATED RELIQUARY CASKET (2) 19th Century With carved domed cover, and scrolling foliate carved sides and front panel, 45cm wide; 21cm deep; 40cm high; Together with a...
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J. & R. LAMB CARRARA MARBLE AND MOSAICALTAR J. & R. Lamb Studios, New York, circa 1900. Carved marble with classical columns and relief carved script. Inlaid mosaic tiles with stylized flowers, cross and chalice...
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Trio of Italian Carved, Polychromedand Parcel-Gilt Wood Chairside Tables, in the form of randomly stacked leather-bound books,the primary palette in faded red, blue, charcoal and ivory, h. 17\", w. 12-3/4\",...
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PAIR OF PARCEL-GILT BLACKAMOOR CANDELABRASDESCRIPTION:A Pair of Venetian Carved Painted and Parcel-Gilt Blackamoor Torchiere Candelabra. This sculptural blackamoor statue features a crouching male figure with Venetian red loincloth...
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PR. EAGLE WALL SCONCES & CARVED EAGLE1st-2nditem: Pair carved ebonized and gilt wood and metal candle wall sconces, Neoclassical style, with eagle finials and chain and tassel ornament. Red oxide paint beneath gilt....
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2 CARVED CONTINENTAL CARVED MIRRORS1stitem: Continental gilt carved rococo mirror, rectangular form, floral and shell crest. Sight: 10 1/2" H x 13 3/4" W. Framed: 21" H x 25" W. Probably Italian, 19th century....
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2 MINIATURE PORTRAITS AFTER PERUGINOAND E. LEBRUNTwo (2) miniature portraits after Elisabeth Vigee Lebrun and Pietro Perugino. 1st item: After Pietro Perugino, detail of The Madonna Worshipping the Christ Child;...
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the pair of high back chairs, each carved from a brown wood with gilding,...
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GROUP OF THREE MEISSEN PORCELAIN FIGURESmodelledafter Peter Reinicke and J.J. Kaendler and based on Italian Commedia dell'Arte, comprising:
a) Scaramouche from the Duke of Weissenfels Series, on a hard-paste mound moulded...
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HAND PAINTED ITALIAN ICON, AFTER FRAANGELICOLate 19th century, from the Tabernacle of the Linaioli, depicting an angel in red and gilt robes playing a violin on a gilt ground on cardboard, signed indistinctly...
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18 VARIOUS PERFUMES AND OTHERS19th/20thcentury, comprising: faceted glass example, spherical stopper, silvered metal mounts, blue paste stone, metal dauber, 3-1/4 in.; Rheinisch Lavendel, paper label, flattened...
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SIX CONTINENTAL AND ENGLISH GLASS PERFUMESlate19th/early 20th centuries, comprising: French atomizer circa 1920, gilt painted ribbon tied floral swags, gold tone hardware, stamped "Made in France", partial sticker to...
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ITALIAN NEO-CLASSIC GILT PRICKET STYLEFLOOR LAMP 20th c., gilt carved wood with visible red bole, double cluster socket, custom silk and fringe shade, 68"h x 24"dia (total)...
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18TH C. ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL PARCELGILT STOOL Italian, 18th century. Neoclassical cream painted and parcel gilt foot stool, having red cut velvet upholstery with brass nailhead trim, guilloche decorated frame...
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AUSTRIAN HAPSBURG RED STAG ANTLER TROPHYMOUNTHabsburg red stag antler trophy mount, 19th c., large 31 point antlers, mounted to later hand carved Italian rocaille plaque, with polychrome foliates and parcel gilt...
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AUSTRIAN HAPSBURG RED STAG ANTLER TROPHYMOUNTHabsburg red stag antler trophy mount, 19th c., large 23 point antlers, mounted to later hand carved Italian rocaille plaque, with polychrome foliates and parcel gilt...
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PAIR OF ANTIQUE ITALIAN CARVED AND PAINTEDPARLOR ARMCHAIRS Late-18th century, shaped and molded high back with relief carved crest, carved and scrolled arms with shell terminus, molded and shaped arm support, serpentine...
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An Italian Rococo Style Red and ParcelGilt Carved Wood Mirror
19th Century
Height 13 x width 10 1/2 inches....
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PR. CARVED AND PAINTED WOOD WALL SCONCESPairof Italian 20th C. carved and painted 3 candle wood sconces. Painted red and gilt and carved to appear as draped fabric. Measures 25"H x 12.5"W x 9"D....
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PAIR ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL PARCEL GILTSIDE CHAIRS 19th c., Italy, green, red and gilt painted carved wood, the crest and seat frieze decorated with draped swags, silk embroidered seat, 34"h x 19"w x 14"d, 18"h...
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CIRCA 1450 the Virgin depicted wearing a red gown and blue mantle with a white headcovering edged in ochre, her dark...
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PR ITALIAN FLORENTINE CARVED GILT WOODHALL MIRROR Italy,Early 20th CenturyProfusely carved gilt and red lacquered wood with a scrolled acanthus leaf and floral motif throughout....
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Large Italian Carved, Red-Painted andParcel-Gilt Pine Pricket Altar Candlestick, in the 19th-century neoclassical style, now mounted as a table lamp and fitted with a custom matte black card shade with a metallic...
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Baroque style gilt wood mirror, boldlycarved with leaf decoration, central fleur de lis , carved and gessoed wood with red bole and gilt surface, Italian, probably 19th century, 45 x 36 x 5-1/2 in. Minor surface...
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Pair Venetian rococo style mirrors:carved and parcel gilt, shell and foliate carved with red-painted mirror surround, mask-form base, Italian, possibly 18th century in part, 31 x 19-3/4 in. Restorations throughout...
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Italian carved and gilt room screen,wooden two-panel room screen with gilt and ebonized ivy and berry carved surrounds, each centering elaborately embroidered red velvet panels including some metallic threads,...
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Louis XVI carved and gilt wood mirror,floral and basket carved pierced crest, gilt over red bole, French or Italian, 18th or 19th century, 44 x 25 in....
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Franco Ruocco (Italian 20th century)oil on canvas painting. Depicts an Italian harbor scene signed lower left and framed in gilt and red distressed finish carved frame. Condition: both frame and painting show...
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Italian rococo console, carved and giltwood, pierced shell and foliate carving, frame gilt overall with red bole, variegated marble top, probably Italian, 18th/19th century, 32 x 38-1/2 x 17 in. Break and repair...
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Louis XVI Style Carved and Gilt WoodMirror French or Italian, 20th century, trophy and wreath crest, carved swag and leaf decoration, gilding over red bole, 78 x 59 in.,...
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Italian carved and gilt room screen,wooden two panel room screen with gilt and ebonized ivy and berry carved surrounds, each centering elaborately embroidered red velvet panels including some metallic threads,...
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Three Carved and Polychromed HardwoodImmortals Chinese, probably 19th century: each with carved and polychromed decoration, 20 in. to20-1/2 in., scattered losses and wear overall, especially to feet, hands, implements...
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An Italian Bronze and Gilt Bronze Figureof "Mercury" early 20th c. after Giambologna (Italian/Flemish 1529-1608) the messenger of the gods with one hand raising aloft a torch and the other holding his usual attribute...
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Louis XVI Style Carved and Gilt WoodMirror French or Italian, 20th century, lovebird and floral carved crest, carved swag and leaf decoration, gilding over red bole, 77 x 50 in.,...
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A Pair of Large Italian Baroque StyleArmchairs In the Italian manner with ornately carved wood frames scrolling arms legs and apron turned stretcher bars upholstered in a red antiqued velvet printed in gold with...
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Fine Italian rococo looking glass, carvedand gilt wood with elaborate floral, foliate and [rocaille] carved decoration, original backboards with stamped mark, French or Italian, mid 18th century, 73 x 37 in. Some...
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