LOT OF PORCELAIN FIGURINES BESWICK,BUNNYKINSLot of porcelain figurines. 3 Beswick Beatrix Potter: Duchess, Old Mr. Brown, Foxy Whiskered Gentleman; Royal Doulton Mrs. Bunnykins Clean Sweep, Hutschenreuther...
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(14) Pcs child dinnerware, c/o (2) pcsWedgwood Peter Rabbit (9-7/8" plate, egg coddler), (5) pcs Royal Doulton Bunnykins (two 8" plates, two cereal bowls, mug), (3) pcs Arabia (7-3/4" plate, cereal bowl, mug),...
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11 ROYAL DOULTON BUNNYKINS, CUP & DISHCollectionof various bunnykins figures, bunnykins cup and dish.
Includes Storytime, Christmas Surprise, Sleigh Ride, Easter Greetings, Susan, Groom, Bride, Grandpa's Story and Mother's...
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6 ROYAL DOULTON BUNNYKINS CUPS AND 1BUNNYKINS PLATEIncludes Prince & Princess of Wales loving cups. Stamped to base.
Issued: 1982-1990
Dimensions: 3"H x 5"W, loving cup
Manufacturer: Royal Doulton
Country of...
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5 ROYAL DOULTON BUNNYKINS TABLEWAREPIECES3 Collector's trays, 1 saucer and 1 footed egg cup.
Doulton backstamp.
Issued: 20th c.
Dimensions: 6"W, largest
Manufacturer: Royal Doulton
Country of Origin: England
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CUP WINNER'S TROPHY 2006 DB409 - ROYALDOULTON BUNNYKIN...Bunny in blue and white soccer uniform holding a yellow trophy. Limited edition number 669 of 1000. With certificate.
Royal Doulton backstamp. Original...
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CUP WINNER'S TROPHY 1966 DB410 - ROYALDOULTON BUNNYKIN...Limited edition; red, white, and gold coloration.
World Cup series. With original box and information card. Royal Doulton backstamp. Total weight: 6 oz.
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LOT OF 65 BESWICK ROYAL DOULTON BUNNIKINSFIGURES+A lot of 65 Beswick / Royal Doulton English porcelain Bunnykins / Bunnikins figures and items to include 63 figures, 1 porcelain display stand and a cup. Tallest measures...
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GROUP OF ELEVEN ROYAL DOULTON BUNNYKINSYOUTH BOWLS, PLATES AND CUPSGroup of Eleven Royal Doulton Bunnykins Youth Bowls, Plates and Cups,...
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Royal Doulton china; vintage Bunnykinspartial children's set, two cups, four bowls, three plates, clock, pitcher, three two-handled cups/sugars, Santa plate, 7 1/2"W. One cup chipped, pitcher chipped....
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A collection of various pottery to includeRoyal Doulton Bunnykins Snowman Egg Cups Boxed Cup and Saucer etc (14)...
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Copeland Spode ''Tower'' pattern porcelainincluding five teacups one fouillon cup nineteen saucers and two bread plates; Royal Albert ''Rocaille'' pattern bone china including eight teacups eight saucers and...
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Collection of various pottery to includeRoyal Doulton and Minton Plates Bunnykins Cereal Bowl x 2 Cups WTP Christening Money Box Bunnykins Eggs x 3 (36)...
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A collection of Royal Doulton BunnykinsNurseryware to include a Baby's Hot Water Dish and Cover Lamp Base 4 Oval Wall Plaques Egg Cups Cups Moneyballs etc (23)...
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Royal Doulton Bunnykins Country ManorCollection Comprising of Lord of the Manor Coffee Pot DB1 Lady Manor Tea Pot DB2 Master of the Manor Tea Cup and Saucer DB3 Miss of the Manor Tea Cup and Saucer DB4 Butler...
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